Exploring Vector Stores and Agents in AI

Saurabh Pandey
4 min readMay 11, 2023


Artificial Intelligence has been revolutionizing various aspects of technology, and one of the critical areas is data storage and processing. Within this sphere, the concepts of vector stores and Agents have emerged as significant components. This article will explore these two concepts and their applications.

Understanding Vector stores

Vectorstores can be considered a specialized database for storing vectors. These vectors can represent various data types, such as text, images, or any other data that can be converted into a vector form.

A key feature of vector stores is their ability to perform efficient similarity searches. For instance, given a query vector, a vector store can quickly find the most similar vectors stored in the database. This ability makes vector stores particularly useful in applications such as recommendation systems, image or text retrieval systems, and more.

Creating a Vectorstore involves defining the vector dimensions and the metric for measuring vector similarity. The vector dimensions depend on the type of data you are storing, and the metric could be something like cosine similarity or Euclidean distance.


In the context of Langchain, creating Vectorstore involves creating a Chroma Vectorstore, which can be used to store and retrieve embeddings for different pieces of text. Here's how it can be initialized and used:

from langchain.vectorstores import Chroma
from langchain.embeddings.openai import OpenAIEmbeddings
from langchain.text_splitter import CharacterTextSplitter

# Initialize a Chroma Vectorstore
chroma = Chroma(embedding_model=OpenAIEmbeddings(model="gpt-3.5-turbo"),

# Store an embedding
chroma.store(text="Hello, world!")

# Retrieve similar text
similar_text = chroma.retrieve(text="Hi, world!")

Introduction to Agents

In the context of AI, an Agent can be described as an entity that perceives its environment through sensors and acts upon that environment through actuators based on some sort of decision-making mechanism. This decision-making mechanism could be a set of hardcoded rules, or it could involve complex machine-learning algorithms.

Creating an Agent involves defining its sensory inputs, its actuation methods, and its decision-making mechanism. The sensory inputs and actuation methods depend on the specific task or environment the Agent is designed for. The decision-making mechanism could involve various AI techniques, ranging from simple rule-based systems to complex machine-learning algorithms.

Agents can serve various roles, such as routers or executors. As a router, an Agent can direct requests to other Agents based on specific criteria, effectively acting as a control hub. As an executor, an Agent can perform tasks or calculations.


In Langchain, creating an Agent involves creating an OpenAI LLM (Language Learning Model). This can be used to generate responses to prompts:

from langchain.llms import OpenAI

# Initialize an OpenAI Agent
agent = OpenAI(model="gpt-3.5-turbo")

# Generate a response to a prompt
response = agent.generate(prompt="Translate the following English text to French: 'Hello, world!'")

Agents as Routers

When an Agent is used solely as a router, it does not perform any tasks or calculations on its own. Instead, it directs incoming requests to other Agents. This capability can be particularly useful in large, complex systems where tasks must be distributed among multiple Agents.

For example, consider a customer service system where incoming queries need to be routed to different departments based on their content. A router Agent could analyze each query and send it to the appropriate department’s Agent.

While the Langchain library doesn’t provide a direct example of using an Agent solely as a router, an Agent Executor can be used to route tasks between different Agents:

from langchain.agent_executors import AgentExecutor
from langchain.agents import Agent

# Initialize an Agent Executor
executor = AgentExecutor()

# Define two agents
agent1 = Agent(name="Agent1")
agent2 = Agent(name="Agent2")

# Add the agents to the executor

# Route a task from agent1 to agent2
executor.route(agent_name="Agent1", task="Task", target_agent_name="Agent2")

Multi-Hop Vectorstore Reasoning

Multi-Hop Vectorstore Reasoning is an advanced concept that involves using multiple Agents in a chain to perform complex reasoning tasks.

For instance, consider a scenario where you have several Agents, each with its own Vectorstore containing different types of data. A query might require data from multiple Vectorstores to be fully answered. In this case, the query can be passed from one Agent to the next in a chain, or “hop,” with each Agent adding a piece of the answer.

This ability to chain Agents together allows for complex reasoning tasks to be broken down into smaller, manageable pieces. It also enables distributed processing, as each Agent in the chain can operate independently.

In conclusion, Vectorstores and Agents are powerful tools in AI, enabling efficient data storage and complex reasoning tasks. Whether used individually or in combination, they offer a range of possibilities for enhancing AI capabilities.


The Langchain library provides a RetrievalQA class, which enables multi-hop reasoning using a vector store and a language model:

from langchain.chains import RetrievalQA

# Initialize a RetrievalQA
retrieval_qa = RetrievalQA(vectorstore=chroma, llm=agent)

# Ask a question that requires multi-hop reasoning
answer = retrieval_qa.ask(question="What is the capital of the country where Shakespeare was born?")

Note: These are example code snippets based on the Langchain documentation. The specific way you would initialize these objects and the exact methods you would use would depend on your particular use case.



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